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Release Notes: October 2022

What's New

THRON PIM: export of product information and associated assets to CSV and XLS is fully autonomous

In THRON PIM soon you will able to select and export information, attributes and characteristics of your products in CSV and XLSX format, together with all associated assets, completely autonomously.

Users will be able to select, directly from the THRON PIM interface, the products in their catalogue and the associated information to be exported, in one or more available languages.

With this new feature, THRON PIM will allow users to be autonomous in the extraction of assets and information, which can then be easily exported within third-party tools such as marketplaces. Exported data will be always accessible offline for consultation.


THRON WORKFLOW: response to comments introduced

THRON WORKFLOW now offers the chance to reply to a comment left by another user.

Thanks to this feature, it is possible to start conversations and make more fluid and effective the collaboration and the exchange of feedback on a specific asset, even among several people in the team.



THRON PHOTOSHOOTING: possibility to delete job for system Admins

THRON PHOTOSHOOTING administrator users now have the option of deleting jobs directly from the platform.

When an old or inactive job is deleted, the system disassociates from the job all products – and consequently the related assets – that it contained.

The introduction of this feature gives our customers additional autonomy in organising their product shootings, even in the final stages of order management.



Enhanced Job configuration UX in THRON WORKFLOW

The interface dedicated to the creation and configuration of a new workflow (Job) has been improved.

The main new features include:

  • immediate notification of any errors when configuring Stage and Transition, on the right-hand side of the screen
  • introduction of a popup warning of errors or confirmation of completion of an action when saving a Job
  • possibility of fitlering assets according to the stage they are in.


All the updates listed were aimed at enhancing the UX and making more intuitive THRON WORKFLOW and, in particular, the creation of a Job.