With the new THRON X beta update, the THRON X Product Area introduces Product Families, a key data model feature designed to make it easier and more efficient to organize, browse, and customize product attributes.
Families represent collections of similar products, often sold in multiple variants, that have certain attributes in common. Organizing Products into Families facilitates their classification, as each product added to a Family automatically inherits the common structure.
Features that make the difference:
Interactive table: monitor configurations clearly and quickly;
Advanced search and filtering: locate and manage up to 100 families while keeping browsing speed high, even with large volumes of data;
Tailored customization: add up to 500 attributes per family, configurable to specific product or product line needs;
Access control: Families management is restricted to administrators and users with specific permissions, ensuring secure data management.
New Product Area Improvements
In preparation for the official release of THRON X, the new Product Area of THRON PLATFORM has already seen several improvements released:
Increased text limit: up to 5000 characters now for attributes of long text type.
Advanced attribute import: it is now possible to import single select and multi select attribute values in insensitive case mode.
Content-product association jobs: can now operate on an entire folder branch, including the selected folder and all its sub-folders.