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Release Notes: May 2024

What's New

THRON X era begins with unified menu

With the constant goal of taking advantage of the most cutting-edge technologies available on the market and continuing to innovate THRON PLATFORM more and more efficiently, we have evolved the platform’s authentication and login standards.

In particular, in addition to the adoption of even more secure and integrated access systems, from this release the login is completely unified.
In fact, it is now sufficient to log in only once to access any section of the platform.

But the good news doesn’t end there.

With this release, in fact, we have also introduced the new unified menu, thanks to which you can instantly explore and be in control of every section of the platform, even those you have not yet activated.


Unified menu


In addition, we have also evolved the design of the navigation bar, designed and developed to provide you with the ability to always be clear where you are and give you instant access to any section of the single platform.

And again, we have expanded the navigation bar and made the tab setting homogenous within the entire platform in order to evolve the UI and make your UX unprecedented.



The Throne becomes even more Throne-like, so that you can reign in speed and efficiency.