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Release Notes: May 2022

What's New

Declaring the THRON 7 era open!

The last few months and years have generated great change.

In the market, in the world of software and in our clients’ needs.

Brands are investing more and more in digital technologies, considering them crucial for their objectives.

After listening to our surroundings and being inspired by our vision, we are sure that, now more than ever, brand digitisation must rest on three pillars.

  • The governance of contents, information and processes.
  • Users’ independence in the management of their activities.
  • The centrality of the experience of any user who interacts with the brand.


So our objective, today and in the long term, is to create a platform that gives users independence and centralises contents, processes and experiences.

It is on this basis that we’ve developed and are proud to announce the new release in June of our platform: THRON 7.

A THRON new generation, inspired by concepts of convergence and centrality of contents, data and workflows.

And it’s from workflows that the THRON 7 era begins.

June will see the arrival of THRON WORKFLOW, the new expansion for managing creative processes directly from the platform, in total autonomy.

It’s the first great milestone along a road that’s going to bring great satisfaction and an unrivalled experience to us and all our clients.


Welcome, Workfolw!

THRON Workflow is the new THRON expansion that enables totally new workflow management, because:

  • It features a user-friendly, no-code interface. Total independence and flexibility in the management of approval processes, and the ability to design differentiated and personalised workflows with no need to write code.
  • It guarantees control. Contents are totally secure and confidential, with the capability to monitor the progress of every single activity at any moment and in real time.
  • It provides a centralised experience. Workflows completely integrated within the THRON PLATFORM, to manage assets’ whole lifecycle without ever leaving the platform: upload, update and distribute approved content across all your touchpoints, with a single tool.



Adobe Creative Cloud connector: creators’ work gets more and more agile

We’ve released new features for Adobe Creative Cloud Connector, which make creators’ work even more agile.
How? By expanding the array of activities that can be managed directly from Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator on assets in our DAM PLATFORM without ever having to exit the suite’s tools.

Find out more in the dedicated product news published on our blog.