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Release Notes: March 2023


THRON DAM: halved waiting time to download

Times are changing all the time, but the professional goal that we all continue to have is always the same; and it is also very simple: to get things done in less time.

That is why with this release we have intervened on the compression time of content.

From now on, it will take you up to 50 per cent less time to download your assets.

Get ready to make your operation eat dust.


THRON DAM: source downloads from shared playlist introduced

Nice the shared playlists but what if I need to download a source on the fly?

Until yesterday, the only way to download the sources of a playlist’s content was to share each piece of content in a timely manner. Things, however, have changed.

As of this release, in fact, any user – with share rights – will be able to download all the sources of a playlist’s content without sharing the assets within it one by one.

In other words? We minimise clicks between you and your content.


THRON PIM: increased the number of searchable product codes to 500

Our joint content-product vision continues, undeterred, to drive us in the development of each platform evolution.

That’s why, after expanding to 500 the number of product codes that can be used to search for assets in THRON DAM last month, we have now done the same in THRON PIM.

From now on, in fact, up to 500 product codes (such as SKUs or EANs) can also be used simultaneously for searches in THRON PIM.

Searches, even complex ones, now become hyper-fast!

In addition, we have also improved the user experience of the THRON PIM search interface.


THRON DAM & Workflow: improved GUI for background action completion status

Completed, in progress or in error?

We have improved the GUI concerning the completion status of single or massive actions performed in the background in THRON DAM and Workflow.

In particular, in case of unsuccessful uploads the tab will turn red making it even more intuitive to understand the actual upload status of your assets.

For more conscious asset management. In all respects 🙂




Transport Layer Security 1.0 e 1.1 non saranno più utilizzabili dal 20 giugno

Per rispondere all’evoluzione tecnologica e degli standard normativi per la Transport Layer Security (TLS), in data 20 giugno 2023 verrà aggiornata la configurazione TLS per tutti gli endpoint delle API dei servizi THRON a un minimo di versione TLS 1.2.

A seguito di questo aggiornamento non sarà più possibile utilizzare le versioni 1.0 e 1.1 di TLS nelle chiamate a tutte le API THRON.

I moderni browser come Chrome, Firefox, Safari ed Edge hanno già abbandonato l’utilizzo di questi certificati da diverso tempo, così come i maggiori cloud provider leader di mercato (es. AWS, Azure, GCP) ne stanno dismettendo il supporto.

Alcune applicazioni di integrazione con THRON sviluppate internamente da alcuni clienti o dai loro system integrator (ad esempio in Java o PHP) potrebbero ancora utilizzare questi certificati obsoleti.

Il nostro team di Customer Service, per agevolare l’individuazione di eventuali applicazioni che ancora effettuano chiamate con le versioni di TLS 1.0 e 1.1, ha analizzato le chiamate effettuate negli ultimi mesi verso i nostri endpoint segnalando e supportando caso per caso i referenti delle organizzazioni interessate.

Qualora ti riconosca in questa situazione e la tua azienda non è stata contattata o, semplicemente, vuoi ricevere maggiori informazioni, puoi contattare il nostro Customer Service all’indirizzo