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Release Notes: March 2022


THRON PIM and THRON BRAND PORTAL: the quality and effectiveness of searches within our expansions are further improved

Finding the contents and products you need withing THRON expansions is constantly becoming easier, faster and more accurate.

In particular, the THRON PIM search engine can provide even more accurate results thanks to a “partial match” function. The system’s results when given a search key – such as a metadata – include not only products with exactly the same metadata, but also those with metadata that are only partially the same.

What’s more, we have further extended the set of filters available for precision searches for your contents within Brand Portal expansion.


Our Semantic Search Engine for extracting tabs from speech in audios and videos is now even more accurate

The THRON Semantic Search Engine is now even smarter.

We have further improved the reliability with which this AI Search Engine is able to extract tags from audios and videos, especially for contents with high-disturbance background music or noise.


Desktop Client: security and support for Token Protection increased

Through a series of applicational upgrades, we have increased the security of the THRON Desktop Client application.

What’s more, effective from now this application also supports our Token Protection, a THRON function designed to guarantee the utmost security and confidentiality of company contents, also during delivery. Token Protection guarantees secure use of contents published on the final channels and prevents their misuse, by generating a time-limited token necessary to access the content.



THRON Magic Site: processo di dismissione

L’8 aprile 2022 inizierà il processo di deprecazione dell’applicativo THRON Magic Site. A partire da tale data, le istanze già attive continueranno ad essere funzionanti, ma invitiamo i nostri clienti a rimuovere eventuali integrazioni dai propri canali. Già a partire dall’8 marzo, non sarà possibile creare nuove istanze di Magic Site.

L’8 maggio 2022 gli applicativi verranno definitivamente dismessi. Eventuali istanze di Magic Site non ancora rimosse non saranno quindi più utilizzabili.

Il nostro Customer Service si riserva di valutare caso per caso la risoluzione di eventuali richieste o segnalazioni riguardanti tale funzionalità. Per eventuali dubbi, vi invitiamo a contattare il nostro Customer Service scrivendo a


Predictive Content Recommendation – contenuti URL: processo di dismissione

Insieme a THRON Magic Site, verrà deprecata la possibilità di raccomandare contenuti di tipo URL del nostro Predictive Content Recommendation.

Le tempistiche seguiranno quelle di THRON Magic Site: il processo di deprecazione inizierà l’8 aprile 2022 e l’applicativo verrà definitivamente dismesso l’8 maggio 2022.

Il nostro Customer Service valuterà caso per caso la risoluzione di eventuali richieste.