Get ready to break current platform search speed records.
Why? We have introduced the ability to filter up to 500 SKUs (product alieases) at the same time.
From this release, therefore, you can use long lists of SKU codes to filter the content you need and perform massive actions on the fly, such as download.
Agility matters. For the hearth of your digital ecosystem, let’s even say fundamental.
That is why we have slashed the time it takes to load THRON PIM’s conditional rules.
In particular, we have significantly reduced the time it takes to complete the loading of the conditional rules detail.
Go, fast. Your eperience can buckle down.
You should also please the eye. That’s what they say, isn’t it?
As of this release, the words of each comment in Workflow will end correctly, without the truncations previously generated by a somewath annoying bug.
We have oiled the editor the allows the construction of Workflow Jobs.
Creation, movement and interaction between Transitions are smoother.
From this release, the approval time for each shot has been greatly reduced.
In addition, we have decoupled the time it takes to create and upload content from the time it takes to convert it, so that you can navigate the interface far and wide while the system processes.