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Release Notes: August 2022

What's New

THRON WORKFLOW: enhanced user experience and collaboration through quick view of new feedback and asset conversion status

Two new features enhance Workflow productivity and agility.

In particular, with this update, directly from the Job of interest each user can:

  • See from the list of assets in a Job which have received new comments or votes from other team members since the last access, without the need to access each single asset
  • Visualise on the fly and monitor the conversion status of uploaded or updated assets, so as to immediately check for errors and know when a piece of content is ready to move to the next stage of the flow.



In parallel, the evolution of some of THRON WORKFLOW’s graphic elements has begun in order to align them with THRON’s new design guidelines. Their purpose is to help put our users more and more at the centre, offering them a simple and consistent interface in which they can easily find their way around and which guarantees them a pleasant, fluid and quality navigation experience.

All in all, the above-mentioned innovations and updates have the twofold aim of improving the user experience and making the solution more comprehensive, in order to improve the efficiency of each team’s processes and daily work.


THRON PHOTOSHOOTING: increase productivity of photographers and post-producers with visibility of shot status and the chance it as a filter for downloads
  • Two new updates elevate the productivity capabilities. From now on, THRON PHOTOSHOOTING users can:
    • see all the shots on a shooting list, for each product, and their status. Each status is characterised by a colour: in this way, at a glance, photographers and post-producers have a clear idea of which shots need to be edited or still to be produced
    • download shots from a shooting list by filtering them according to a specific processing status, thus allowing post-producers to focus on the shots to be processed and avoiding unnecessary downloads.


    These new features aim to make the work of the teams involved in the creation and post-production of product shots more agile and efficient.


  • We fixed a bug that did not allow to close the editing page of THRON Universal Player within the Content Experience Manager section in THRON PLATFORM.


  • We fixed a bug concerning the editing of hotspots within image galleries, which did not allow the correct display of images size linked to the hospots in case it was necessary to move one of them from one image to another in the playlist.