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The tailor-made solution for TWINSET by THRON

Founded in 1987, TWINSET represents a major player in the production of Italian-made womenswear. While staying true to its artisanal roots, the brand has successfully expanded internationally, blending tradition with innovation.

With over 4,000 wholesale customers, 7 e-commerce sites and several online marketplaces, TWINSET Milano has built a solid and widespread distribution network on a global scale. However, this expansion introduced complex challenges in managing a multi-channel strategy, where each platform requires timely and continuous content updates. Maintaining consistency across all channels has become essential to safeguard the brand’s identity and provide a smooth and coherent user experience at every touchpoint.

200 mln in turnover
80 points of sales
4.000 wholesales clients
7 e-commerces

In a nutshell:


  • Data and asset centralisation.
  • Omnichanneling and governance.
  • Less cost and more performance.


  • +70% increase in e-commerce speed.
  • -40% of reduction in operational costs related to operational inefficiencies.
  • 3 months per year par operator saved in asset preparation.

When management becomes more complex than fashion

Global expansion and the rise of digital channels made it increasingly difficult for TWINSET to maintain control of digital asset management and product data. Without a centralized platform, the company struggled with duplicate content, misalignments between channels, and poor e-commerce performance. These complexities threatened to slow down the brand’s growth. In a highly competitive industry, TWINSET could not afford to reach a point of saturation, both operationally — due to redundancy and disjointed processes — and functionally, with the emergence of misalignments and inefficiencies.

TWINSET’s strategy was clear: find a solution that could centralize all information, simplify management, and ensure that content was always aligned and up to date. The goal was to optimize internal workflows and ensure that every piece of content was published quickly, accurately, and at the highest quality across all touchpoints, maintaining global brand consistency while responding promptly to customer demands.

The implementation of THRON PLATFORM has enabled the company to redefine its internal processes, facilitating collaboration between teams and the reuse of information assets, ensuring uniqueness that has simplified the work of all departments. Different departments can now access centralized content, avoiding duplications and misalignments, which has significantly improved operational efficiency. This system allows the company to serve the needs of multiple teams, from marketing to e-commerce, ensuring that every piece of content is consistent across all channels.

The show progresses online

TWINSET‘s collections don’t just appear on the catwalk: thanks to THRON AI MediaBoost, i loro contenuti digitali vengono distribuiti con la stessa eleganza e precisione. their digital content is delivered with the same elegance and precision. Each digital asset is optimized in real-time to ensure impeccable quality, regardless of the device or user bandwidth. AI MediaBoost has significantly accelerated content publication, eliminating loading times and enabling uninterrupted and uncompromised distribution. In a highly competitive market, where attention to visual details is critical, THRON AI MediaBoost has proven to be an indispensable solution for maintaining the brand’s high standard of excellence.

With THRON PLATFORM, the company adopted a single platform that allowed it to halve IT costs and cut operations by two-thirds, as well as achieve a 70% increase in the performance of marketplace and website pages.

Benefits undoubtedly fueled by THRON’s constant symbiosis between each piece of content and the product data it represents, which not only accelerates workflows and the responsiveness of the IT stack but also enriches the user experience throughout the customer journey. This synergy ensures TWINSET Milano offers an impeccable and consistent interaction across all channels, reflecting the high quality and elegance that characterize the brand.

“With THRON as the central platform, we started by rethinking the process to make sure there were no more redundancies upstream. We used the platform as a content deliverer, achieving performance that we could not guarantee before and improving the user experience directly online.”. 

Daniele NigroChief Information Officer

A look into the future

TWINSET’s digitization does not stop here. With THRON, the brand will continue to optimize its processes, integrating new digital functionalities based on artificial intelligence to further automate content management. The integration of these advanced technologies will significantly reduce the manual work involved in managing content, freeing up time and resources for higher-value activities

With the constant expansion of touchpoints and increasing customer expectations, TWINSET aims to ensure a flawless user experience and, thanks to THRON AI MediaBoost, its digital catwalk will continue to shine.


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